Ice-cream lover?

Stop dreaming!
Find your FLAVourite and make your ICE-Dreams come true!
Make your homemade ice-cream with fresh ingredients and so, so much love!

your ice-dreams
come true!

Three ice cream scoops

Top of the tops!!!

Photo of a strawberry covered with chocolate

Photo of 3 ice-cream cones placed as a folding fan

Handmade ice-cream

Hello there! If you’re here it’s because you want to try something different. You had enough about industrial tastes and you’re thinking that it’s time to learn how to make your favourite flavour.
Your flavourite, indeed.


Now. What about me?
Well, I’m here to give you some help, I’ll do my best to explain you how to make your homemade ice-cream step by step, but above all to let you enjoy it at least as much as I do.


Because ice-cream is amazing!


Are you still curious and you’d like to know more about me and this tasty website?

Take a look at the about page.

Photo of 3 ice-cream cones placed as a folding fan